Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ideas Church Anniversary Celebration


The conclusion is not new but every day that passes I feel more and more this ... time goes by awfully fast! 1 month ago today I was in Portugal and it seems like two weeks ago ... interestingly it also makes one month that does not trim his beard and two months not cut his hair hahahaha!

I was never a very organized person but since I came to Holland to try to somehow be arranged. Interestingly it seems to me that this is also where the time goes faster! Maybe because using a calendar (yes now I'm all picky with dates and plans) realize that not be long before "anything" and that no spent so much time since the "last thing". So now I lack less than a week for a course on Epigenetics Neijmegen to be held 16-20 March, less than 15 days for my birthday, 20 days for the submission of My work for the department, 1 month to receive visitors (from confirmed ... there are other promised!) and for a short holiday; mese a means for Queen's Day and it seems a few more days of faith ; vacation (in Sweden with my afilhadita xD) and here we are all in May!

Home to feel pressed for time and fail me precisely five months for the final date for submission of Master's thesis (August 10) ... 5 months! 5 months a few years ago would seem to me an eternity ... are 150 days ... almost half a year ... and yet .. começoa feel enormous pressure to finish. This week I can not run any great experience in addition to producing virus (yes. .. I like to produce viruses!) And analysis of expression expr the mRNA (for the uninitiated, in simple words ... is the mRNA code gene-derived DNA which in turn will give rise to proteins! By analyzing the amount of mRNA present in cells can deduce the expression of a protein is inhibited or induced (any day I try to explain my whole work as if speaking to children!)). Next week I travel, then the other is supposed to devote myself entirely to the preparation of the presentation to the department (which will serve as a template to the presentation that I have to make assessment to 8 April) but I really have to start another experiment! Then the following week (30-3 April) will be to reshape the lectures added new data to present the 8th. From 9 to 14 April I put up with Renata and take a vacation from the laboratory (which in reality are just three days ...). In all this we are already halfway through April! Now ... this week (13 to 17) I doubt you can do a lot because my experiences always take a long time (sometimes 1 week 2 weeks ...). Ie .. I have 20-24 April to do something it should be. The week after, April 30th is a holiday (5th Tuesday) and I enjoy taking vacations 29-3 May (2 more days of leave the lab). In all this we are in May and up .. until then ... I'll have three weeks where I can work as it should be! That leaves me two months to finish the experiments (in principle in July will be devoted entirely to writing the thesis!). As you can see ... the time flies ...

To compensate for all these things ... Saturday I was working in the lab, I went yesterday at 19.45 and left at 18:15 today, and something tells me the next days and weeks are going to be like this forever! Also since I started writing the thesis (Introduction, Methods, etc. ..) which gives me even more work "extra-laboratory." Of course with all this ... "Time" is something that I have often ... and when I have ... I have to take!

has also been missing for some time (and other factors) that have not written in live journal. However already received all of the photos last weekend in Wageningen. There you'll masses with an abnormal amount of pictures so I'll just put two ...

to show you that we do not only with the Portuguese and Greeks (hahahaha). In the photo I, Fabrizio, Brian (2 Italians) and John And the next ....

.... because one begins to be tradition take pictures as well ... hahaha (John, me, Joe and Ralph (the back Jose is the (English) and Rita)).

This Saturday I'm going back to Wageningen to be with Mary (who will return to Wageningen after several months in Brazil) and Regina (who returned from Ghana a few weeks ago!). In principle I should not go directly back to Roterdãoe Neijmegen to Wageningen. So also do not know when I will come to have "time" to write something here ... anyway I'm sure they will wait impatient (at least Joe will for sure ... lol).

Kisses and hugs,
John Marchante


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