Monday, March 23, 2009

How To Huff Cooking Spay

Pope and science!

Good night dear friends,

How many should know ... today, March 23, my birthday! Well ... for those who want to offer gifts contact me and I give you my NIB immediately hehehe. Thanks to everyone who sent me sms, phoned and left messages on MSN, facebook or hi5!

Now something more serious! Last week, our holiness decided to talk about science ... now ... what happens when a person whose religion is beyond any scientific explanation talks about science? Shit ... (I apologize parents!). What happens is that the Pope decided to go to Africa to say that condom use does not prevent infection with HIV (which is associated with AIDS). His Holiness said "is not money or condoms that will prevent the spread disease ... on the contrary ... this will only complicate!
OH PLEASE!! Saying that in countries like Angola, where the vast majority of people are religious, is playing with the health of many people! I just hope in 5 years do not see a further increase in the number of HIV cases in African countries! Why do these people have to talk than not to know?
Let's clarify something before I start to offend: I do not tenho nada contra as religiões... não sou religioso, nem sequer baptizado. Apesar do meu pai ser religioso, decidiu que não me devia baptizar e que eu devia tomar essa decisão (ainda bem). Na verdade... nunca nada na religião (e agora vou apenas falar do catolicismo) me atraiu ou atrai. Além disso... a única coisa que vejo é uma grande empresa que faz dinheiro como ninguém! Mas não tamos aqui para discutir isso... mas sim... o que o chefe máximo desta religião decidiu dizer. Dizer que os preservativos só vão piorar as coisas é as supporting the death!

Well .. Last week the addition of this small sorrow was very positive! I spent the week in Wageningen and Nijmegen and I am very grateful to Maria for me to have endured during the whole week. He had huge miss talking to you and get the conversation:) Also I must say that I ate like a alarvo! In the first two days Italian food made by Italians who do not know when to stop cooking. After cod with cream (made by me!), Dinner at Francisco's (very good indeed ...) dinner at the home of John (made by me again ...) and lunch at the home of Joe ; (One small bunch of cheese is still on my taste buds !!!). I must say in my defense that nevertheless can not seem to have gained some pounds (ufaaaaaaa. ..).

Well .. enough to write today ...

Kisses and hugs, John

PS - all the text above was corrected by Joe! Thank you for your wisdom ... I am entirely grateful to him!


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