Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Soul Silver Con Antifreeze

I and others ...

Yesterday was a special day at least for me ... because it is my birthday of course! I must say I was surprised with the amount of messages and phone calls he received but never doubted he had enough friends.

Today I thought about it for almost every day ... anyway .. during these 23 years have met great people and always felt sorry for losing contact. I mean .. naturally over time people stay away from but is always that little bug that reminds us (s) person (s) of the past. In this respect I consider myself very lucky to see well because, my friends from school, many of them still live with today (Vasco, Guida, Max, Shorty, etc. ...). The primary not only still lives with those who were in my class but also to many other classes of the same year. 2nd and 3rd cycle only recently had a dinner with many of the secondary and I still have most of the contacts. It is clear that the University does not need to talk because our group was always very united (and hope to remain despite all the problems I have heard). With all of this is funny to see people who I'm better now (apart from the friends of the University) had only primary or together with me in high school! Seeing well ... now I have friends in various parts of Portugal (also a small country ... it is normal) and due to my experience in Holland, also at various points in world. Many of them with the promise that one day we came to do and only hope so.

Today I will do something different ... will show all the phrases that people are in my MSN nick (hahahaha). So prepare to be mocked! Here goes:

"SPAZIO Dinners, Quality, Excellence, Fun! * 5f 26 day festival in JAA, with Titi Dj =) House Set! "- I think that goes without comment ... someone who advertises his "tavern" in prório nick!

"i try to live on science alone" - I also ... but there's always something in the middle ...

"Mature love says: I need you, because I love you. "- Yes, sir ... felt ...

"Begin" occupation "..." I started 23 years ago ... is a difficult position to be the most beautiful and intelligent Marchante family!

"One day I shall I yearn to be a student!" - This is why I do not want to stop studying ... hehe I miss you so never

"awesomeness" - Something I'd say it went well ...

"King ..." - No I know what ... but college is not for sure ... that's me xD

"What do you do? Well, I drink. "- Good idea ... I drop the science and put me in the glasses .. is much cuter!

"Have you once tasted flight, you Will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward" - You see even though he never flew for KLM and Ryanair (especially food KLM makes us want to ride on a plane the more times hahahaha)

"felizz: D" - Yesss!

"Norman Osborn is ruling the world! Holy $%&#!" - Only conheçoo Ozzy Osbourne ... and that does not command anything Pral their stupidity!

. "Poppies are jumping BENFICAAAAA ..." - There is someone seriously!

"Hoobastank Mode: ON" - not like the band ... tastes, but are not discussed!

"but Somehow once upon a time never comes again" - Can you imagine life without one more once upon a time ..."? There are always stories to tell ..

"I keep waiting, waiting on the world to change! "- Firstly, we should be moving ... nosa and then the world changes for yourself!

"♥ zebra. [ Words, words, They Can not love.] "- Truth ... words do not feel ...

"Management" - probably some complicated chair going ...

"Yeah !!!!" done - after many years when someone ends up in ISA's thesis is this same feeling

" You give me feelings That I adore "- Feelings ... . ohohohohoh feelings .... feelings of love ...

"*** And she Showed up all the errors and mistakes ..." - is usually well ... very nice to start .. many defects in the end!

"You make it Easier When Life gets hard" - This phrase biologists have even deeper (the last 3 are biologists)

"You are arrested for having me stolen ... I promise ... "- AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

" a thousand dreams unfulfilled. "- you better start now ...

"Home ..." - held on to me ...

"Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ........................................." - the My afilhadita after learning that I will visit you! xD

"If I try can i find solid ground? or am I just wasting time? "- With muitoooooooooooooooo effort I am sure .... what can you hit the ground!

"Will Your head collapse, and there's nothing in it, and you'll ask yourself, where is my mind?" - This should be a global sentence for many people I know!

"... In a Caribbean beach doing nothing xD "- A word for you:" Stupid! "Here with me this time and you envy the doings ..

"the spirit of Brazil" - the same as I said earlier ... but now pro male

"Burn it down till the embers smoke on the ground and start new When Your Heart is an empty room" - This phrase only nos mostra como existem com graves problemas piromaníacos depressivos!

"A DO MAR MENINA Do you Hear Me? .. Talking to you across the water, across the deep blue ocean ..." : - NOP .. oiço nao te!

"Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies." - Verdade ... concordo ...

"Jigoku e ike maybe yaroo" - como diria or do Kenshin Samurai X "ORO!?"

"Sony Xperia X1 briefly at a site near me "- I do not know what it is ... I even walk out of date!

"Statistics is the art of spanking numbers Until They confess" - could only be the johnson ...

"De wind in saves in Wageningen" - if someone goes to do well in Holland: P

"Master Thesis in Geneve (second year) - Other out ...

Mighty Emperor .............. (New number 06 Dutch "Censored") ....... who stole my jacket? Breaking in droef "- I do not I!

"coming from ... going to ..." - is the epitome of my life ..

"good ling fee, fee ling light, and lif ling fee, fee ling ..." - again ... feelingssssssss .... oohohohohohoh feelingssssssssssss

"purarxos veronica desila: darwin grhgora churchill kai gia sas sta dwmatia diabasma" - as if to say ... Today I ate a banana!

And just ... so many people on MSN! should already be asleep!
I shall leave here I'm also going to sleep ... but ... and because yesterday was the day of my birth ... here are some pictures from when I was "piqueno" (father is in quotes there ... see what you're going to fix now ...) and blond (or blonde).

The bear was my best friend ... and since that time I have left only the chicken that Catherine makes a horrible noise (do not know how my parents could stand it!). The middle photo depicts a time when both I and my father had hair! hahahaha. The last is my house when he was terraçoe thankfully I have the bucket in front ... did not want to scare the girls (HAHAHAHAHA).

Kisses and hugs, John

Monday, March 23, 2009

How To Huff Cooking Spay

Pope and science!

Good night dear friends,

How many should know ... today, March 23, my birthday! Well ... for those who want to offer gifts contact me and I give you my NIB immediately hehehe. Thanks to everyone who sent me sms, phoned and left messages on MSN, facebook or hi5!

Now something more serious! Last week, our holiness decided to talk about science ... now ... what happens when a person whose religion is beyond any scientific explanation talks about science? Shit ... (I apologize parents!). What happens is that the Pope decided to go to Africa to say that condom use does not prevent infection with HIV (which is associated with AIDS). His Holiness said "is not money or condoms that will prevent the spread disease ... on the contrary ... this will only complicate!
OH PLEASE!! Saying that in countries like Angola, where the vast majority of people are religious, is playing with the health of many people! I just hope in 5 years do not see a further increase in the number of HIV cases in African countries! Why do these people have to talk than not to know?
Let's clarify something before I start to offend: I do not tenho nada contra as religiões... não sou religioso, nem sequer baptizado. Apesar do meu pai ser religioso, decidiu que não me devia baptizar e que eu devia tomar essa decisão (ainda bem). Na verdade... nunca nada na religião (e agora vou apenas falar do catolicismo) me atraiu ou atrai. Além disso... a única coisa que vejo é uma grande empresa que faz dinheiro como ninguém! Mas não tamos aqui para discutir isso... mas sim... o que o chefe máximo desta religião decidiu dizer. Dizer que os preservativos só vão piorar as coisas é as supporting the death!

Well .. Last week the addition of this small sorrow was very positive! I spent the week in Wageningen and Nijmegen and I am very grateful to Maria for me to have endured during the whole week. He had huge miss talking to you and get the conversation:) Also I must say that I ate like a alarvo! In the first two days Italian food made by Italians who do not know when to stop cooking. After cod with cream (made by me!), Dinner at Francisco's (very good indeed ...) dinner at the home of John (made by me again ...) and lunch at the home of Joe ; (One small bunch of cheese is still on my taste buds !!!). I must say in my defense that nevertheless can not seem to have gained some pounds (ufaaaaaaa. ..).

Well .. enough to write today ...

Kisses and hugs, John

PS - all the text above was corrected by Joe! Thank you for your wisdom ... I am entirely grateful to him!

Friday, March 13, 2009

International Atm Card Sbi

Dinh iro € € € €

Hello everybody! So cool? (Hahahaha)

At a time when most countries or are recovering from economic recession or are still it, I thought I should touch the subject of money! Several people have asked me how much money spent per month here in Holland and now I will satisfy that curiosity in a way a little more detailed!

First things easier .. Room to rent ... Pay € 390 per month for 20 m2 room (which is nothing, nothing at all bad). The rent is also included bed, sofa, table, wardrobe, TV, fridge and two chairs! Also my landlord has kindly offered me a pot, a skillet, plates, cutlery and glasses! Water, light, gauze Internet are also included. I share the floor of the house with Jasen (rasta man of Heart) and a German (who is never here and does not use the kitchen). The floor beyond the kitchen (with washing machine !!!!) has a bathroom and a shower. In addition, 2 / 3 times a week someone comes to clean the floor. The conditions are not bad ... but it is no luxury apartment! I'm glad I do not know if this house was perchance I stayed here to do a PhD (more conditions ... more money ...).

This is a fixed amount per month .. all the rest .. varies ... but I'll make some estimates. Now we define that the months have 4 weeks and every 7 days week course. During 5 of those 7 days lunch at the Institute since it is impossible for me to come home (usually lunch is 30 min max!). I eat the same: soup, bread, cheese, butter, yogurt liquid flavors (Mango, cranberry, orange usually), a typical Dutch meal!. This gives a total of € 3.86 per meal. Usually there Friday for fish and therefore more like a fish dish apple juice / orange or water which cost me between € 5.50 and € 6 (depends on whether or juice will take ; water or if I dish with salad or not). So imagine that there is as usual Friday fish and other days the usual food, this means that on average, spent about € 4 per day or € 20 per week on lunches! Multiplied by 4 gives about € 80 per month. Of course, in addition to lunch tnho taking breakfast, dinner and perhaps a snack once in a while (I lost the habit of lunch ...). I'm not sure about spending a week on groceries but between 25 to € 30 for sure! For example ... yesterday went to LIDL (located right near home) and bought 600 grams of pork, 200 grams of ham, 300 grams of cheese, two pizzas mozzarella, tomato 500 grams, 500 grams of broccoli, bread, a jar of pesto, a jar of tomato sauce, 15 golden brown, black pepper and garlic. It got me all in € 19 and as you can see is not exactly food for 7 days! The supermarkets are a bit expensive (especially in Rotterdam) and even the LIDL can be expensive! Imagine that at least € 30 per week spent on food (about € 4.20 per day). Multiplying this by 4 gives € 120 per month for the rest of the food. So ... imagine that a total of € 200 per month spent on food.

If we add to that some day I'll dine out (eg the Portuguese restaurant) and I just imagining that 2 times per mese twice those paid about € 15. After months of spending € 30 on dinner "specials".

Now, four weeks are also the four weekends. Of course, on many weekends at home will not stay quietly in! Night out in Rotterdam means spending enough €. This is because the drinks are nothing cheap or entries on any kind of evening attractions (disks, bars). To have an idea ... snooker cheapest I found was € 9 per hour! But I do not usually play pool very well here and I do not usually go out often in rotterdam. When such leave is for dinners out and so we added more per dinner only € 10 for "entertainment." Will therefore € 20 at the end of the month!

Another important thing is transport! Cycling is almost a constant in the rain but should not! The price of the meter is not no friend and each turn I (home - Institute and Institute - home) is € 2. I must confess that lately I have gone underground but until the last 3 days was always raining! Outside this are the days when I do not want to practice anything to go by bicycle because it's super far and end up rather late. Home -> Office -> Fitness -> House, gets me around € 3.50. I practice two times per week, which gives € 7 per week plus a few days to go underground pro Institute gives me around € 10 per week or € 40 per month! (Unfortunately the Dutch do not know what is a pass for public transportation!

travel Now imagine that you can do! For some time I will not visit Dutch cities. Instead I prefer to go at Wageningen. I think I usually go from one to two times per month. Each round trip is € 15, € 2 more train (approximately) bus back and forth. More than the cost of an order week in Wageningen to be around € 20 each time I go! So I imagine that 1 and 1 / 2 months by the Wageningen, will be € 22.5 + € 3 train bus + € 30 = € ramboi 55 per month (rounded).

course, consider it an extra little luxuries like others who have from time to time or even small things I buy for me. The last was even some new headphones (about € 20).

do not know if I need something lighter than you all know so well as I that there's always something! I am not a very extravagant but I'm not the best savers. Do not step and always hungry I can try to enjoy myself with friends I have (much of the blame is theirs € spent!! hehehe).

On balance at the end ... € 390 fixed and gives about € 345 which vary greatly depending on the month! Ie .. approximately € 735 per month!



Filipe (Bubas) come visit me! 27 marcoos May 5! I hope this is a message to all who came to visit me yet! I tell you is the same as I tell him, I I can not give much attention (see post before this!). The only exception in this case will be where Renata will take three days to tar the lab with her but those 3 days where I did not make a difference since trough in the middle of holidays !

The new album of My Dying Bride will come out on my birthday but I already have! I must confess that for a long time since I heard an album that gave me so eager to hear it constantly! I advise all lovers of Doom Metal (and do not appreciate too) to hear because it's the same ... but still ... very good!

I have a new prop for my exercises. A fitness ball! I must confess that it is a bit difficult to adjust but once winning balance is very cool! Day 23

start a new super exciting experience and I'm anxious!

Today was a Friday ... 13 days! I do not believe in superstitions but today while filtered viruses to a 50 mL tube of the filter is jammed and sneezed at least 5 mL for me! We use gloves, gown and worked in a booth (those in which only have their hands in there) but still a bit of liquid was me stop arm (entered by the sleeve) ... Panic! Virus ... arm ... virus ... virus in the arm ... filter on hand ... pipette in hand ... virus ... virus in the arm! PANIC! I dropped everything ... alcohol in the arm ... more alcohol ... more alcohol ... a little chlorine vááááá .... clean ... rub ... more alcohol ... more .... all the alcohol! Calm down ... Return to viruses ... Through it all the more silly is that the virus can not pass through the skin and even if it happened ... likely to infect me was minimal!
A little later ... centrifugation of viruses ... where? in the ultracentrifuge .. Why Ultra? Because it affects the stupid speed of 90000 revolutions per minute! But I just went centrifuge at 26,000 (só!!). To understand well .. this animal is nearly my height, is attached to ground in many ways, it is necessary tubes are balanced (by weight) for it to work (senão.. KABUMMM !!!). Now I always have great care and respect with these machines because I've seen a few in ISA to move forward two meters from where they were or where other people sat on top for the lid does not open (LOL). Only you can put six pipes that are numbered and sealed with lids also numbered. I only needed 4 but the machines have to take them all! Inside these tubes are still put other tubes where we have our means to spin ... as needed only four thought that the other two do not need the small little tubes. When I weighed ... I noticed a difference of 0.2 g. I thought ... I'll put the tubes and will balance with a little bit ... And so I did! Tubes ready, balanced, the centrifuge ... Connect! One begins to form a vacuum ... at 3000 rpm for ... continues ... takes 5 min to get to 26,000 but it comes ... everything in order ... 2 hours from now I'll be back! I came back, I took the tubes, I went to the room and started removing viruses using the ... until I get to the tubes with nothing .. open them to remove these little tubes inside and not I see the tubes ... 'm crazy? but I got into the pipes .. What happened? ... now .. what had happened? The tubes were not as half (or very little), esborrifaram up and were all condensed into small particles in the bottom of the tubes! All Party! A plastic tube was transformed into a thin layer of small particles (podera. .. to 26000 rpm). Conclusion ... never put tubes in ultracentrifuge with little means! Bela
Friday 13th!

I'll end this post now xD

Kisses and hugs, John

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ideas Church Anniversary Celebration


The conclusion is not new but every day that passes I feel more and more this ... time goes by awfully fast! 1 month ago today I was in Portugal and it seems like two weeks ago ... interestingly it also makes one month that does not trim his beard and two months not cut his hair hahahaha!

I was never a very organized person but since I came to Holland to try to somehow be arranged. Interestingly it seems to me that this is also where the time goes faster! Maybe because using a calendar (yes now I'm all picky with dates and plans) realize that not be long before "anything" and that no spent so much time since the "last thing". So now I lack less than a week for a course on Epigenetics Neijmegen to be held 16-20 March, less than 15 days for my birthday, 20 days for the submission of My work for the department, 1 month to receive visitors (from confirmed ... there are other promised!) and for a short holiday; mese a means for Queen's Day and it seems a few more days of faith ; vacation (in Sweden with my afilhadita xD) and here we are all in May!

Home to feel pressed for time and fail me precisely five months for the final date for submission of Master's thesis (August 10) ... 5 months! 5 months a few years ago would seem to me an eternity ... are 150 days ... almost half a year ... and yet .. começoa feel enormous pressure to finish. This week I can not run any great experience in addition to producing virus (yes. .. I like to produce viruses!) And analysis of expression expr the mRNA (for the uninitiated, in simple words ... is the mRNA code gene-derived DNA which in turn will give rise to proteins! By analyzing the amount of mRNA present in cells can deduce the expression of a protein is inhibited or induced (any day I try to explain my whole work as if speaking to children!)). Next week I travel, then the other is supposed to devote myself entirely to the preparation of the presentation to the department (which will serve as a template to the presentation that I have to make assessment to 8 April) but I really have to start another experiment! Then the following week (30-3 April) will be to reshape the lectures added new data to present the 8th. From 9 to 14 April I put up with Renata and take a vacation from the laboratory (which in reality are just three days ...). In all this we are already halfway through April! Now ... this week (13 to 17) I doubt you can do a lot because my experiences always take a long time (sometimes 1 week 2 weeks ...). Ie .. I have 20-24 April to do something it should be. The week after, April 30th is a holiday (5th Tuesday) and I enjoy taking vacations 29-3 May (2 more days of leave the lab). In all this we are in May and up .. until then ... I'll have three weeks where I can work as it should be! That leaves me two months to finish the experiments (in principle in July will be devoted entirely to writing the thesis!). As you can see ... the time flies ...

To compensate for all these things ... Saturday I was working in the lab, I went yesterday at 19.45 and left at 18:15 today, and something tells me the next days and weeks are going to be like this forever! Also since I started writing the thesis (Introduction, Methods, etc. ..) which gives me even more work "extra-laboratory." Of course with all this ... "Time" is something that I have often ... and when I have ... I have to take!

has also been missing for some time (and other factors) that have not written in live journal. However already received all of the photos last weekend in Wageningen. There you'll masses with an abnormal amount of pictures so I'll just put two ...

to show you that we do not only with the Portuguese and Greeks (hahahaha). In the photo I, Fabrizio, Brian (2 Italians) and John And the next ....

.... because one begins to be tradition take pictures as well ... hahaha (John, me, Joe and Ralph (the back Jose is the (English) and Rita)).

This Saturday I'm going back to Wageningen to be with Mary (who will return to Wageningen after several months in Brazil) and Regina (who returned from Ghana a few weeks ago!). In principle I should not go directly back to Roterdãoe Neijmegen to Wageningen. So also do not know when I will come to have "time" to write something here ... anyway I'm sure they will wait impatient (at least Joe will for sure ... lol).

Kisses and hugs,
John Marchante