"The BioBlitz, a concept created in the United States America in 1996, consists of an inventory in 24 hours of living organisms in a given area, in order to characterize the existing biodiversity. The visiting scientists establish a base near the study area where, with a team of volunteers, performing the identification of organisms found by the participants. This activity should take place during the whole 24 hours because there are bodies that appear at different times of day.
BioBlitz The concept uses a space urban green to arouse public awareness on biodiversity, ecosystem services conservaçãoe. This real-time interaction between researchers and the community allows people to watch scientists at work, and may participate in the collection of species. Alongside the work of expert groups, there are parallel activities (lectures, exhibitions, experimental), to spread the concept of biodiversity and its importance in the balance ecosystem.
The site selected for the initial Bioblitz in Portugal was the University of Algarve, Campus de Gambelas! This campus is located in a green pre-natural park (Ria Formosa), being attended by a large academic community.
This event will be held on 17 and 18 October. "
For more information please consult the official website
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