Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Stinky Urine And Brown Discharge

The Lulism and Lula - the legacy (Daniel Reis)

The mandates Lula ended, is whether this was Lula will be closed to them. To answer an assessment is needed than Lulism longer lasting and more substantive, or his legacy.

It is difficult question, impossible to find a consensus. Just look at the various statements made. With the same data was different hypotheses and conclusions, if not antagonistic. One undeniable fact is the stubborn and Lula's approval after eight years in office. One of the latest search popularity sank a 87% higher than the rates of Michelle Bachelet in Chile (84%), and Nelson Mandela, South Africa (82%), a world record.

What historical significance of the feat?
the morose and undemocratic idea, frequently encountered in the camp of the right and left that this is due to the handling capacity of the leader and the idiocy of the common people, it should try to understand the phenomenon.

Reflection on figures of national history, as Vargas and Juscelino Kubitschek, can be an avenue for comparison exercises.

Vargas led a process that made the state, in tune with the aspirations of the classes most dynamic in the country, a major factor of development and reform of society. Umpiring disputes conciliated interests and what can be done by force - even resorting to torture as state policy, as in the Estado Novo dictatorship, between 1937 and 1945 - or by voting, when Getú ; lesson in 1950, returned to power "in the arms of the people."

When the political and social contradictions are heated and it was not possible to please Greeks and Trojans, Vargas, threatened in 1954, left of life and entered history.

But his legacy, the national-statism was, packing the dreams of the main strands of the left (the Labor and Communism) and stirring the elites. Remains to this day by checking the 1988 Constitution and the 2010 presidential campaign. Already

reconstruction period Juscelinian has traveled winding paths. Contemporaries had a critical view of him: his successor, Quadros, voted in with consecrating vote had as a symbol broom: they had to sweep the dirt - the inflaçãoe scandal - left by the previous government.

However, social memory JK rebuilt with brand development at all costs, reflected in the slogan of making the country grow fifty years in five. The construction of Brasilia, a productivist culture, the first World Cup, the optimistic smile, overcoming the "complex of mongrels," a country that believed in himself .

This is the legacy of JK. Outbursts in this developmental later: the years of lead and gold from the civil-military dictatorship of the PAC-Dilma Lula - a country forward, leaving late, exploding growth rates. The rest be damned, it would see later, when the dust settles on the works.

this perspective of analysis, which has been the legacy of Lulism?

Lula maintained the national-statism and the reconciliation of interests. As Vargas was "the poor father and mother of the rich." It also retained the developmental urge JK.

But what distinguishes it Lulism building an inclusive society, the realization of incremental improvements within a culture of dialogue, debate, bargaining. The simultaneous denial of the disaster revolutionary and reactionary conservatism. A moderate reformist changes that operates by successive and progressive accumulation.

This is another political culture. Without discarding the previous, overlapping them, defines a novel configuration.

While it may be deluded about, exercising high self-esteem, Lula is more the creature that created this culture. Strictly speaking, it was forged over decades by a silent pressure and anonymous citizens.

When will this trend started long and deep? Difficult to determine a precise frame, and a tortuous zigzag path. The earliest origins are in the great struggles within the republic inaugurated with the overthrow of Vargas in 1945, and who knew moments of radicalization between 1961 and 1964. Stifled by the dictatorship, such demands were reborn in 1967-1968 to be defeated again, but not yet due. After dating for a large part of society with a dictatorship, rebuilt itself the lights out of this, contributing to its end, between 1979 and 1981. And continued to be nurtured by successive democratic governments to bloom with great force in the two governments that Lula, in this interpretation, are much more concerned that the expression of the whole process.

Behold the legacy of constructive and positive Lulism: dialogue, inclusion, citizenship, essential ingredients of democracy.

The paradoxical thing is that the greatest threat that culture can come from Lula himself, because he has not disappeared. His shadow and activism can become compulsive heavy, since the powerful leaders tend to match companies obedient and uncritical, or anything democratic. While the figures of Vargas and Juscelino avails himself could not questioning the legacy of political cultures associated with their leadership, it does not occur with Lula and Lulism.

In fact, afirmaçãoea consolidation of what is most promising in Lula's legacy through the weakening of its overwhelming political presence, something difficult to imagine, considering the characteristics, trajectory and force the remainder of Cara.

role for the Brazilian society deal with the issue. If you can do it well, thank democracy. If not, the best of Lula's legacy could be lost.

Daniel Reis is a professor of Contemporary History of FFU


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