Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Andre The Giant Singlet

News ... In Sweet Bitterness

some time ago that I, Ze Maria and exchanged e-mails with multiple news (sometimes ludicrous, sometimes not) that we find there daily. I must say that seeing these emails during breaks in the lab is very rewarding and has become a habit to try to find something to share with these two creatures in a state of hibernation in Wageningen.

Today I put some examples for them to realize how ridiculous a story can sometimes be clear and is simple to give my opinion on other! Before I even begin to say often the most rewarding of these stories turns out to be the comments posted by readers (many of them are simply brilliant).

News Express that my mother showed me today: # commentbox

is impossi sible not to laugh while reading this little story. That there are pickpockets in London everyone knows, but many of them have a special ability to communicate, so not everyone knew for sure. Abstracting me a little of the context of news I'll just do some repairs that caught my attention:

First, why the hell is that journalists have not helped the poor tourist while he was being mugged? If you have photos that "prove" the crime and saw everything was not very helpful? No. .. instead play the role of journalists and draw pictures while pickpockets divide 600 euros!

Second: The names of the pickpockets are at best ridiculous! Lets look at this as well ... Most movies about the Italian Mafia in Chicago always put the same names in mobsters. That is, Vinny, Tony, Franky and so on ... After all, those with Italian surnames, even names that are showing some respect. Even the most well known villains from horror movies have names that show some character, Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Captain Elliot Spencer (Pinhead), Hannibal Lecter and so on ... Now the name of pickpockets ... Chico Fininho, Joe Port, xula, Hannibal Transport, Smells Bad, Beto of Galinheiras, Paulinho boxer Pathology and Magda! OH PLEASE DO! Only hear the names I'm shaking ... Beto Galinheiras especially the ... Pathological and Magda .. that the name must be a biological waste container with legs and arms!

third and final repair: a language in addition to code very difficult to understand, these Gentlemen can have a much better language skills than many politicians. Or they were not big contribuientes the entrance of "many currencies in the country!" Hahahaha ...

News Record Online:

estarãoa Many ask why the hell this notí ; cia is so special ... Just the same number of cream puffs that are sold by day ... 19,000 cream puffs, on average?? Per day?? Since the record is 52 000? At about 80 cents each pastel and taking into account that the cost of production should not be more than 20 cents one per household, will be 60 cents per diluted pastel de nata 19 000 times, giving a total of 11 400 euros per day! Just to warn you that I drop the science and I'll devote myself to the pastry ... I have to name for my "sweetie"; Malagueira of Affection! What people need most? Of affection ... and where? Malagueira because of course ...

Online Video Audience:

Ok .. this is an understanding that despite news ... no way! Change the names of streets in Maputo because they were referring to Portugal or the Portuguese people does not make any sense in my head. In my opinion estãoa erase and deny the history that brought them to where they are! It's too bad that colonialism was not entirely believe it was negative! And no new streets or avenues to be built in Maputo? One respondent said the following sentence: "(...) the country is independent, is free of the Portuguese (...)" and I remember me of a story I saw last summer:

"Portugal forgives debt to Mozambique and S. Tome and Principe

The government forgave the debt of Mozambique to Portugal for a total of 249.5 million euros, and has said it intends to do the same, 'very soon' , for Sao Tome and Principe. Go forward
Second Renaissance Radio, the news was confirmed by Finance Minister Fernando Teixeira dos Santos, from Maputo.

Also according to the same charge, the forgiveness of debt speaking countries is only possible after the reduction of public deficit nationals. 02/07/2008 9:57:50


And the funny thing is that a few months before had seen this:

" Credit: Portugal 100 million grant to Mozambique

Portugal will grant a credit worth 100 million euros to Mozambique, says the Finance Ministry in a statement. The agreement was signed today by leaders of both nations.

Friday, May 16, 2008 at 16:49 "

Really ... I think they are independent of Portugal and the Portuguese! Thankfully, our country is adept at reducing the public deficit! Not until believed we were going into an economic crisis! Until I can appear very Snoobi with this but I can not help being sad about the situation. Portugal is part of the history of Mozambique Mozambique as part of the history of Portugal. Are we to stop receiving them in Portugal or accept them as Portuguese? Again I frizer .. on the one hand I understand (because we changed the Salazar Bridge to Bridge April 25) but then leaves me sad to see this in a city that tells me a lot and a longing to visit that country!

Video on youtube of Jose Mourinho

Look in loud and clear! The funnier the situation is that the video was put on TV club with the title: "Mourinho is a goal! Dribble and Trivela (I suppose that's it)! Incredible! "In other words .. they do not have the slightest idea what he says in the video! hahahahaha

For children:
"- No!
- No, that will penetrate the pilinha is that it is missing! Missing pilinha !!!...... The P'ra PILINHA! "

And ready ... just here the news today ... My name is John Marchante, have a good night until tomorrow!


This weekend Moonspell come play in Rotterdam Others I must say I am quite willing to see them go but I still have not decided ... Will be opening for Cradle of Filth (which is not exactly to my liking but I'm curious) Moonspell before and will still play the Turisas (I've seen this year)! An extra concert would see Anneke (ex vocalist of The Gathering), a Dutch singer well known, appears to sing one of the newer songs from Moonspell where she participates. If anyone is curious to hear on youtube look for Scorpion Flower.

Today I received the news that was pre-selected for a PhD porgrama IGC. I'll have a phone interview this Friday at 11am in Portugal ... wish me luck: D

Kisses and hugs, John


PS - I found a fabulous poem in a comment to one of the articles referenced above:

There is money here that we have become very
p'ra squander
There goes p'ra Mozambique
Here we are paying p'ra

And other countries
'll have funding
And we poor wretches
Round and suffering

From belt tighter
And without any foot The half of our hard earned money

Gone alien hand will p'ra




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